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Stack Overflow is an open community for anyone that codes. We help you get answers to your toughest coding questions, share knowledge with your coworkers in private, and find your next dream job.

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Our mission is to help developers write the script of the future. This means helping you find and hire skilled developers for your business and providing them the tools they need to share knowledge and work effectively.

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Unlock siloed knowledge with Stack Overflow for Teams

Wikis, chat messages, or formal documentation for knowledge management aren’t effective. Our question and answer format is a proven approach for accessing the right information in less time.


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$6 USD
per teammate / month
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Private knowledge base with SSO and premium features

$12 USD
per teammate / month
Single sign-on (SSO) with SAML
Reporting and analytics
Priority customer support
99.5% uptime
All the features of Basic tier


Standalone knowledge base with enhanced security and flexible hosting

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Robust read and write API
Your own customer success and community building representative
99.5% uptime SLA and priority support

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